Monday, May 13, 2019

Nuvus Blockchain ICO

Nuvus Blockchain

Merging big data, business transactions, Cannabis and Blockchain Technology to bring critical information to pharma discovery and improving the lives of patients.
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Nuvus Blockchain has developed a state-of-the-art date acquisition and management software called CognetiX (nodes); which together with Oracles, will unify amorphous data from all sources and package them for use into the Nuvus Blockchian ecosystem by using Nuvus Protocol.
Blockchain globe

Merging Two of the Biggest Industries
- Cannabis & Blockchain -

Solving the Industry's Challenges

As recreational and medicinal cannabis continues to gain acceptance globally, our technology has the potential to be the next billion-dollar platform by providing users full transparency into the supply chain utilizing sophisticated IoT and sensor technology.

Transparency into the quality and medicinal benefits of different strains and their effects on the human body will assist the quicker adoption of medical cannabis for treatment and will aid in the expansion of research globally.

Help Us Change the World and Create the Next Billion Dollar Platform

Hemp, Cannabis, AI, IoT and blockchain are the fastest growing industries in history. We are merging these industries together to create greater disruption ever seen. Be part of this history in making by purchasing a membership token so we can create the next billion dollar platform to save lives and change the world.

Global Exchange Platform by Nuvus Protocol

Nuvus Blockchain is formed to build a global ecosystem called "Global Exchange Platform" for data, supply chain verification & industry wide global exchanges of services & products using distributive ledger technologies and trustless trust platforms for the agricultural industry initially focusing on the cannabis industry. Our mission involves introducing a trustless verification system on all supply chain & business transactions in the cannabis industry, providing growers, processors, distributors, retailers, doctors and users full transparency into the supply chain, from seed to user distribution, with decentralized private & public blockchain verification at every step. This will provide total transparency & auditability to all industry participants adding significant value to the industry.

Opportunity is Huge - The Industry Overview

Bar chart showing total U.S. cannabis consumer market

Problems in Cannabis Industry

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Lack of Traceability

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Lack of Auditability

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Disparate Central Ledgers

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Lack of Consensus

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Lack of Chain of Custody

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Lack of Trust

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Lack of Standards

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Lack of Compliance

Solving the Industry Challenges - Nuvus Protocol

Trustless Verification System on all Supply Chain Transactions in the Cannabis Industry

Our technology could help solve these industry problems by providing a trustless verification system utilizing loT and sophisticated sensor technology on all supply chain transactions in the cannabis industry.

If adbopted globally, the blockchain will add billions of data points to the supply chain, benefitting medical research and proper diagnosis in patients.

We intend to build a global exchange that goes beyond payment systems. It is a place to exchange data, services, ideas and a place for doctors and patients to provide a feedback loop on the medicinal aspect of cannabis.

Distributed Ledgers

A distributed ledger is a set of communication protocols that enable administratively decentralized, replicated databases. Distributed ledgers can provide an efficient and secure infrastructure for the issuance and exchange of digital assets. Their security, democratized control, and automation can have a transformational impact on industries ranging from capital markets to global trade.


Cryptographically secured and Byzantine fault tolerant by design. Blockchain ushers in a new era of security in a time where perimeter security and authoritative control are no longer viable security models.


Blockchain provides a shared, immutable log of every activity on the system, enabling improved activity auditability and traceability of the provenance and history of an asset.


Smart contracts can securely automate and link existing business processes. When designed with blockchain input/output oracles they can be used to connect disparate systems.

The Power of CognetiX™ Nodes

CognetiX™ nodes, together with oracles, will be used to unify amorphous data from all sources and package it for inclusion into the Nuvus Blockchain ecosystem via the Nuvus Protocol.

Current State

Our current version of CognetiX™ includes a strong predictive data analytics engine and capabilities to collect all types of data from any database source. Software controls every aspect of a controlled environment agriculture grow facility. Every harvest is tracked, documented and available in visible format both in real time and historically.

Next Step

CognetiX™ will be expanded to collect verified data for all transactions from seed to patient. CognetiX™ allows various computer systems to be integrated through a cultivator's infrastructure. Using API connecting software packages, CognetiX™ will allow all computer systems to be monitored with a smartphone application and the robust hardware of integrated servers or cloud-based apparatuses.

Our Goal

By recording the various data points including chain of custody, traceability of the products, supply chain verification, a protocol can be built around the data points ensuring consistent & trusted parameters. Data sets will be housed in permissioned or public blockchain that is available to all shareholders.

Suite of Data Collection Capabilities

Data collection capabilities chart

Supported on Multiple Devices and Platforms

multiple devices and interfaces

Nuvus Protocol

nuvus protocol flowchart

Future Roadmap & How We Got Here

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Team began developing high level IoT software and hardware for the power companies


Team began developing CognetiX, high level analytical big data software

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Team finalizes its state of the art data analytics and management tool Cognetix


Team finishes software and hardware technology prototype to automate the Cannabis grow industry

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Team begins rolling out Cognetix to clients

Sept. 2017

Team initiates preliminary preparations for an ICO by developing industry's most comprehensive white paper

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Oct. 2017

Team begins recruiting blockchain consultants, platforms, programmers

Nov. 2017

Team completes white paper and related marketing site for preparation for Pre-ICO

ICO Icon

Dec. 2017

Team begins selling Pre-ICO to selected groups, Angels and VCs. Launch Token contracts onto Ethereum, Security audits & admin testing

Feb. 2018

Team begins first phase of the crowdsale

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April 2018

Team completes its ICO and begins developing Nuvus Protocal & its integration with CognetiX

3Q 2018

Team rolls out its first version of its Nuvus Protocal to selected groups for the Cannabis industry as beta

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4Q 2018

Team rolls out alpha version of its Nuvus Protocol using Hyperledger private and public blockchain for limited testing

1Q 2019

Beta version of the Nuvus protocol begins extensive testing

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2Q 2019

Team picks partners in AZ, OR to roll out initial beta testing

3Q 2019

Limited roll out to major partners in AZ, OR, CA & FL

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4Q 2019

Expansive roll outs in AZ, OR, CA & FL

1Q 2020

Begin nationwide roll out in USA

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3Q 2020

Begin limited roll out in Australia & Israel

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4Q 2021

Begin global roll outs

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